Major Gift Portfolio Analysis
Our major gift portfolio analysis process helps advancement leaders and managers optimize the size and composition of each gift officer’s portfolio of prospects. By scoring households’ capacity and propensity to give major, planned, and annual gifts, each fundraiser can focus on only the best and most likely donors.
Using the ratings derived from the DonorScape prospect analysis, we will analyze the strength of your gift officers’ portfolios. The resulting data clearly shows which prospects are “assigned” and “unassigned” to a portfolio, and we further segment assignments according to prospects’ capacity and propensity to give and which unit they might most likely give to within your organization. As a result, you can easily prioritize prospects and determine which gift officer portfolios need “rebalancing.” Effectively, this tool helps you to focus your limited and expensive major gift staff resources on your most promising prospects. Major gift portfolio assignments and reports are available in DonorScape and can easily be synchronized with your donor relationship management system.
Effectively, this tool helps you to focus your limited and expensive major gift staff and resources on your most promising prospects.
The chart below demonstrates the parsing of wealth and major giving codes between assigned and unassigned prospects.